Features & Services

PSI-PAD initially offers several kinds of features and services. At launch, project owners and investors will be able to explore projects, launch projects, create tokens, manage tokens, create token locks, manage token locks, initiate an audit on their custom contracts and KYC all within the PSI-PAD launchpad.

Passive Income also offers additional support for those that need assistance with development, marketing or auditing services. Passive Income has partnered with solidity.finance to conduct audits for projects that launch through PSI-PAD. Audits can be requested through the PSI-PAD and when the audit is finished it will be uploaded directly to the launchpad.

Costs, Explore Projects and Launch your Project


Passive Income charges 1% on all successful pre-sales. With the PSI-PAD there are no upfront hidden presale costs, only projects that launch get charged! The 1% will be deducted from the raised BNB and this will then be sent to the Passive Income deployer wallet. This then gets used to market buy PSI which will be distributed to Passive Income (PSI) holders through our fee aggregator. Passive Income uses the same fee aggregator that is used for the PSI-DEX and is a generic solution that can be applied in multiple products that are developed. In addition to the presale costs Passive Income charges 0.2 BNB for creating tokens and locking tokens into the PSI-PAD. The BNB that is gathered through these functionalities will also be sent to the Passive Income deployer wallet and then used to market buy and distribute PSI to Passive Income (PSI) holders.

Many other tailored services can be offered by Passive Income, if you require any assistance with launching a project or would like to learn more about these services, contact the Passive Income team. The team at Passive Income has built relationships with a number of connections and has developed a large network of professionals to fit the needs of project owners.

Explore projects

On the home screen there is an overview of all presales within the PSI-PAD. This overview contains the campaign address, the token address, the start and end date of the presale, softcap, hardcap, along with KYC and liquidity information. The overview is designed to provide the most important information required for an investor to perform their own risk assessment. Clicking on a project will show more detailed information.

Launch your project

The “Launch Your Project” page is designed for project owners that want to do a presale and launch a project on the PSI-PAD. On this screen it is possible to start a presale by filling in all details as displayed in the image above.

Hard & Softcap, Max & Min BNB


The total maximum amount of BNB that can be raised during the presale by investors. This information will be shown on the "explore projects" page overview.


The minimum amount of BNB that has to be raised by investors to consider the presale successful. This information will be shown on the "explore projects" page overview.

Minimum BNB per wallet

The minimum amount of BNB a presale participant (investor) has to put in to be able to participate in the presale.

Maximum BNB per wallet

The maximum allowed amount of BNB an individual presale participant (investor) is able put in to participate in the presale.

Liquidity lock & Allocated percentages

Percentage allocated to PSI DEX

The percentage of raised BNB that will be allocated to launch on the PSI-DEX. For example: When this slider is set to 80% that percentage will be used to create a pair of BNB and the native token on the PSI-DEX, the other 20% of BNB will be sent the the projects deployer wallet where project owners can claim the BNB for marketing purposes or other project activities.

Tokens per BNB

The amount of native presale tokens per BNB that presale participants (investors) will be able to claim after the presale has been successful.

Tokens per BNB in liquidity pool

The amount of tokens per BNB that will be put into liquidity as a pair (NATIVE TOKEN/BNB). This input will determine the initial value of the token upon launching on the PSI-DEX.

Liquidity lock duration (in hours)

The amount of hours that liquidity will initially be locked for after launching on the PSI-DEX. This input makes use of the token lock functionality which can also be accessed separately on the "lock token" page. Once the presale is successful tokens will be locked and a .2 BNB fee gets issued, if the presale is not successful these costs will not be charged. On the "manage locks'' page the token lock can be viewed and on the "lock token" page a new lock can be created after a lock has expired. This information will be shown on the "explore projects'' page overview.

Start & end date, description and manage tokens

Start date

The starting date of the presale. When filling the start date a date/time picker pops up. This information will be shown on the "explore projects" page overview.

End date

The end date of the presale. When filling the end date a date/time picker pops up. This information will be shown on the "explore projects" page overview.


In this input field a project description can be filled which will be shown when opening the presale on the "explore projects" page.

Manage tokens

On the "Manage tokens" page there is an overview of all the tokens you have created. By connecting your wallet on the right top of the screen your personal tokens will be shown.

Create token

For project owners who want to create a token the "Create token" page is available. On this screen it is possible to create your own token by connecting your wallet to PSI-PAD, filling in all details as shown in the image above and clicking on create.

Token name

The name of the token you want to create. This name will enable participants (investors) to find you within the PSI-PAD and indexing sites as coinmarketcap, coingecko, bogged, etc… and will be the name you use to add your token to a self custodian wallet such as Trustwallet or Metamask.

Token symbol

The symbol or "ticker" of your token. This symbol will enable participants (investors) to find you within the PSI-PAD and indexing sites as coinmarketcap, coingecko, bogged, etc… and to add your token to a self custodian wallet like TrustWallet or MetaMask.

Initial supply

The initial supply determines how many tokens will be created upon the token creation.

Token features

This section of the token creation page configures functionality for the token contract that gets created. The image shows burnable and mintable selection options but in the future this list will be extended with much more functionality that can be configured.


Determine if the token contract allows token burns.


Determine if the token contract allows future minting of additional tokens.

Maximum supply

When mintable is set to on, a maximum supply can be set to determine how many tokens can be minted on top of the initial supply.

Minter delay

When mintable is set to on, a delay can be set.


Manage locks

On the "Manage locks" page when connecting your wallet on the right top of your screen an overview of all locks created by the connected wallet will be shown.

Lock token

For project owners that want to lock their tokens the "Lock token" page is available. By connecting a wallet on the right top of the screen, you can fill in the token address of the token which needs to be locked and the PSI-PAD looks for a corresponding contract within the PSI-PAD.

After the contract is found and the corresponding wallet owner is verified, a start time and an unlock time can be filled by selecting the input fields and setting the appropriate date/time.

The number of releases (default is set to 1) represents the ability to create vesting periods for the lock. With the "amount of tokens" slider an amount of tokens can be selected that need to be included in the specific lock.

Future plans

In the future a lot of new features will be integrated into the PSI-PAD which will make it even easier to create tokens and presales. We will provide more modular contract options like the "mintable" and "burnable" option as displayed in the "Create token" page. We will elaborate on the additional configurable options for pre-sales and tokens soon.

Last updated