HODL - Holding

Holding Passive Income

Holding Passive Income (PSI) tokens in a wallet connected to the Binance Smart Chain is the simplest way to earn passive income. Passive Income token holders enjoy frictionless yield from trades and transfers that occur within the Passive Income ecosystem. Dividends are reflected automatically on the balance of all PSI token holders with dividends distributed fairly based on the percentage of tokens an investor holds compared to the total supply. 1% of the total volume of buys and sells of PSI tokens are reflected between all holders, while another 1% is automatically added to liquidity, continually strengthening the project.

On all wallet to wallet transfers, holders earn 1% reflection but nothing is added to liquidity.

There are additional value streams within the Passive Income ecosystem which all contribute to dividends for PSI token holders. Fees from these additional revenue streams are collected in our fee aggregator and are currently manually distributed when the fee aggregator has collected a set value in fees. We are developing an automated solution that contains several payout threshold parameters and uses a randomizer to ensure that opportunistic investors cannot pre-determine when dividends will be paid out. This is in the interest of both the long term prospects of the project and also of our committed investors.

PSI holders currently receive frictionless yield, dividends and other benefits from:

  • PSI token trading 1% of total trading and transfer volume is reflected fairly between all investors based on the amount of PSI tokens they hold. This is automatically and immediately reflected in the holder’s wallet. 1% of total trading volume is auto added to liquidity.

  • PSIDEX - Passive Income’s decentralized exchange 0.3% fee is charged on each trade on the PSIDEX. 0.2% is distributed to investors that put liquidity on PSIDEX. 0.1% of all trade volume is distributed between PSI holders.

  • PSIPAD - Passive incomes launchpad 1% of gathered pre-sale BNB is redistributed to PSI holders. An additional 0.2 BNB is charged for each token or liquidity lock created. This is then distributed to Passive Income (PSI) holders.

  • EMPIRE Token Marketplace 1% of all NFT sales from the EMPIRE NFT marketplace is reflected to PSI holders.

Future revenue streams include (but not limited to):

  • OMNI Real Estate’s ($ORT) fractional NFT Real Estate Marketplace 0.5% of fees on real estate transactions will be distributed to PSI holders.

  • GoDutch 0.1% of all volume on GoDutch is charged as a fee. Half of this will be shared between PSI holders, resulting in 0.05% of total GoDutch volume being shared with our holders.

Last updated