Liquidity lock & Allocated percentages
Percentage allocated to PSI DEX
The percentage of raised BNB that will be allocated to launch on the PSI-DEX. For example: When this slider is set to 80% that percentage will be used to create a pair of BNB and the native token on the PSI-DEX, the other 20% of BNB will be sent the the projects deployer wallet where project owners can claim the BNB for marketing purposes or other project activities.
Tokens per BNB
The amount of native presale tokens per BNB that presale participants (investors) will be able to claim after the presale has been successful.
Tokens per BNB in liquidity pool
The amount of tokens per BNB that will be put into liquidity as a pair (NATIVE TOKEN/BNB). This input will determine the initial value of the token upon launching on the PSI-DEX.
Liquidity lock duration (in hours)
The amount of hours that liquidity will initially be locked for after launching on the PSI-DEX. This input makes use of the token lock functionality which can also be accessed separately on the "lock token" page. Once the presale is successful tokens will be locked and a .2 BNB fee gets issued, if the presale is not successful these costs will not be charged. On the "manage locks'' page the token lock can be viewed and on the "lock token" page a new lock can be created after a lock has expired. This information will be shown on the "explore projects'' page overview.
Last updated
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